(transactionValidatedByDocument ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some company transaction ?ENTITY1 went through a process of approval and assessment through various criteria such as veracity, eligibility, legal relevance etc. and a document ?ENTITY2 was produced to prove the satisfaction of the critieria by ?ENTITY1.
Company transaction | transaction validated by document | Company mobility document |
@prefix cbcm: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
cbcm:transactionValidatedByDocument a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "transaction validated by document"@en ;
cbcm:example "(transactionValidatedByDocument crossBorderMerger1 mergerCertificate1)"@en ;
rdfs:comment "(transactionValidatedByDocument ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some company transaction ?ENTITY1 went through a process of approval and assessment through various criteria such as veracity, eligibility, legal relevance etc. and a document ?ENTITY2 was produced to prove the satisfaction of the critieria by ?ENTITY1."@en ;
rdfs:domain cbcm:CompanyTransaction ;
rdfs:range cbcm:CompanyMobilityDocument ;
rdfs:seeAlso cbcm:CompanyMobilityDocument,
cbcm:CompanyTransaction ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf cbcm:cbcmDocumentRelation .