Is the management of the companies involved starting the process of setting up a Special Negotiating Body (SNB) in order to reach a negotiated agreement on the future employee participation mechanism (BLER) after the transaction?
BLER (Board-Level Employee Represenation): highest level of employee involvement in a company in the supervisory board. They can take co-determine decisions of the company's management and where the company is heading.
- Yes: there is a negotiated agreement to be negotiated with the SNB;
- No: no negotiated agreement;
- Not applicable: the conditions are not met (e.g. no employees, BLER threshold not met) for this criterion to be applicable;
- Unclear: the wording of the document is unclear with regard to the impact/effect/measures taken;
- Not mentioned: given the parameters, this aspect should be addressed in the transaction document, but is not mentioned
Company transaction | Has negotiated agreement | string |
@prefix cbcm: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
cbcm:negotiatedAgreement a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:label "Has negotiated agreement"@en ;
rdfs:comment """Is the management of the companies involved starting the process of setting up a Special Negotiating Body (SNB) in order to reach a negotiated agreement on the future employee participation mechanism (BLER) after the transaction?
BLER (Board-Level Employee Represenation): highest level of employee involvement in a company in the supervisory board. They can take co-determine decisions of the company's management and where the company is heading.
- Yes: there is a negotiated agreement to be negotiated with the SNB;
- No: no negotiated agreement;
- Not applicable: the conditions are not met (e.g. no employees, BLER threshold not met) for this criterion to be applicable;
- Unclear: the wording of the document is unclear with regard to the impact/effect/measures taken;
- Not mentioned: given the parameters, this aspect should be addressed in the transaction document, but is not mentioned"""@en ;
rdfs:domain cbcm:CompanyTransaction ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .