BLER to be negotiated leaf node



BLER to be negotiated


Is an employee board level representation/participation (BLER) mechanism going to be re-negotiated in the process of the cross-border transaction?

- Yes: BLER be (re-)negotiated with the SNB;
- No: no BLER-(re-)negotiation;
- Not applicable: the conditions are not met (e.g. no employees, BLER threshold not met) for this criterion to be applicable;
- Unclear: the wording of the document is unclear with regard to the impact/effect/measures taken;
- Not mentioned: given the parameters, this aspect should be addressed in the transaction document, but is not mentioned


Company transaction BLER to be negotiated string


@prefix cbcm: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

cbcm:toBeNegotiatedBLER a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
    rdfs:label "BLER to be negotiated"@en ;
    rdfs:comment """Is an employee board level representation/participation (BLER) mechanism going to be re-negotiated in the process of the cross-border transaction?

- Yes: BLER be (re-)negotiated with the SNB;
- No: no BLER-(re-)negotiation;
- Not applicable: the conditions are not met (e.g. no employees, BLER threshold not met) for this criterion to be applicable;
- Unclear: the wording of the document is unclear with regard to the impact/effect/measures taken;
- Not mentioned: given the parameters, this aspect should be addressed in the transaction document, but is not mentioned"""@en ;
    rdfs:domain cbcm:CompanyTransaction ;
    rdfs:range xsd:string .