(cbcmDocumentRelation ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that the relation between ?ENTITY1 and ?ENTITY2 captures information pertaining to a company mobility document or similar information source relevant to corporate mobility.
@prefix cbcm: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
cbcm:cbcmDocumentRelation a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "Cross-border company mobility document relation"@en ;
rdfs:comment "(cbcmDocumentRelation ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that the relation between ?ENTITY1 and ?ENTITY2 captures information pertaining to a company mobility document or similar information source relevant to corporate mobility."@en ;
rdfs:seeAlso cbcm:CompanyMobilityDocument ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf cbcm:cbcmEntityRelation .