A company being divided transfers part of its assets and liabilities to one or more newly formed companies, which are the recipient companies in a (cross-border) division.
Instances of Recipient company can have the following properties:
From class Company | |||
Has EWC | owl:DatatypeProperty | Is the company having a European Works Council (EWC)? | boolean |
Is listed | owl:DatatypeProperty | Whether the company is publicly listed. A company whose shares are bought and sold on a particular stock market. | boolean |
Last WW employment figure | owl:DatatypeProperty | Last available employment figure for the total worldwide employees | nonNegativeInteger |
NACE code | owl:DatatypeProperty | NACE Classification Code for companies. NACE (Nomenclature des Activités Économiques dans la Communauté Européenne) is a European industry standard classification system similar in function to Standard Industry Classification (SIC) and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) for classifying business activities. From EUROSTAT | owl:Thing |
NACE sector | owl:DatatypeProperty | Company NACE sector. NACE (Nomenclature of Economic Activities) is the European statistical classification of economic activities. Classification of a company according to which kinds of sector (i.e. industry / market / product type) they deal in. From EUROSTAT | owl:Thing |
NAT registration number | owl:DatatypeProperty | The national registration number of an acquiring/receiving/entry company. A company registration number is a unique combination of numbers and/or letters. It is used to identify a company and verify its legal existence as an incorporated entity. | string |
Has TNIC | owl:DatatypeProperty | Is the company having a transnational information and consultation agreement in place? Does the company have an internal body which discusses employee rights and welfare? Different from works council. TNIC is global. | boolean |
Company Form | owl:ObjectProperty | Company legal form. Name given to describe the structure of a corporation or buiness in the different legal orders. For example Limited (Ltd.), Public Limited Company (PLC), Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH), Aktiengesellschaft (AG). The company legal form is regulated under national law and grants specific rights and obligations to the company stakeholders (such as shareholders, management & employees). | Company form |
has parent company | owl:ObjectProperty | (hasParentCompany ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some company ?ENTITY1 is owned and under direct or indirect control by the company ?ENTITY2. | Company |
Company primary registration location | owl:ObjectProperty | Primary country of registration (location) of a company as a full country name | Country |
Company secondary registration location | owl:ObjectProperty | Country of secondary registration (location) of a company | Country |
From class Organisation | |||
Website | owl:DatatypeProperty | Homepage of a company/organization website | string |
has member | owl:ObjectProperty | (hasMember ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some agent ?ENTITY1 (usually an organisation) has a person ?ENTITY2 that participates in its activities. This need not represent an employment role nor imply financial incentives between the organisation and person. | Person |
From class Thing | |||
authors | owl:ObjectProperty | (authors ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that (authoredBy ?ENTITY2 ?ENTITY1) | owl:Thing |
Cross-border company mobility data provenance relation | owl:ObjectProperty | (cbcmDataProvenanceRelation ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that the relation between ?ENTITY1 and ?ENTITY2 captures provenance information for company transaction data. | owl:Thing |
Cross-border company mobility document relation | owl:ObjectProperty | (cbcmDocumentRelation ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that the relation between ?ENTITY1 and ?ENTITY2 captures information pertaining to a company mobility document or similar information source relevant to corporate mobility. | owl:Thing |
Cross-border company mobility entity relation | owl:ObjectProperty | (cbcmEntityRelation ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that ?ENTITY1 is related to ?ENTITY2. | owl:Thing |
Cross-border company mobility object relation | owl:ObjectProperty | (cbcmObjectRelation ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that the relation between ?ENTITY1 and ?ENTITY2 captures information pertaining to an object. | owl:Thing |
Cross-border company mobility organisation relation | owl:ObjectProperty | (cbcmOrganisationRelation ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that the relation between ?ENTITY1 and ?ENTITY2 captures information pertaining to an organisation. | owl:Thing |
Cross-border company mobility transaction relation | owl:ObjectProperty | (cbcmTransactionRelation ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that the relation between ?ENTITY1 and ?ENTITY2 captures information pertaining to a company mobility transaction. | owl:Thing |
employs | owl:ObjectProperty | (employs ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means (employedBy ?ENTITY2 ?ENTITY1) | owl:Thing |
Ended at | owl:DatatypeProperty | The date and time a process ended | dateTime |
Example | owl:AnnotationProperty | Provides a human-readable written example of the entity in question. | owl:Thing |
Generated | owl:ObjectProperty | Generation is the completion of production of a new entity by a process. This entity did not exist before generation and becomes available for usage after this generation. Based (inverse of) on: | owl:Thing |
has company stakeholder | owl:ObjectProperty | (hasCompanyStakeholder ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some entity ?ENTITY1, which is either a significant process or agent has another agent ?ENTITY2 with personal interests in benefiting either financially or otherwise from the outcomes of ?ENTITY1 (if it is an event or process), or in its byproducts and profits (if it is an agent). | Agent |
has part | owl:ObjectProperty | (hasPart ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that the entity referred to by ?ENTITY1 has a constituent entity referred to by ?ENTITY2. | owl:Thing |
has subsidiary company | owl:ObjectProperty | (hasSubsidiaryCompany ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means (hasParentCompany ?ENTITY2 ?ENTITY1) | owl:Thing |
involves the change of | owl:ObjectProperty | (involvesChangeOf ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that the process ?ENTITY1 requires the modification or alteration of the entity or object ?ENTITY2. | owl:Thing |
is transaction input of | owl:ObjectProperty | (isTransactionInputOf ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means (hasTransactionInput ?ENTITY2 ?ENTITY1) | owl:Thing |
is transaction result of | owl:ObjectProperty | (isTransactionResultOf ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means (hasTransactionResult ?ENTITY2 ?ENTITY1) | owl:Thing |
iso2code | owl:AnnotationProperty | -- | owl:Thing |
located in | owl:ObjectProperty | (locatedIn ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some entity ?ENTITY1 occupies the spatial region referred to by ?ENTITY2. | owl:Thing |
maintained by | owl:ObjectProperty | (maintainedBy ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some digital resource ?ENTITY1 (e.g. database, website, document repository etc.) has stewardship by some agent or organisation ?ENTITY2 who is responsible for the upkeep of ?ENTITY1. | owl:Thing |
maintains | owl:ObjectProperty | (maintains ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means (maintainedBy ?ENTITY2 ?ENTITY1) | owl:Thing |
Organization name | owl:DatatypeProperty | The name of the organization | string |
owned by | owl:ObjectProperty | (ownedBy ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some agent ?ENTITY2 has proprietorship over another object or organisational agent ?ENTITY1. | owl:Thing |
part of | owl:ObjectProperty | (partOf ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means (hasPart ?ENTITY2 ?ENTITY1) | owl:Thing |
Registered Office | owl:DatatypeProperty | Deprecated property | owl:Thing |
Requirement level | owl:AnnotationProperty | Specifies a phrase to indicate the degree to which the providing of a value for the entity (e.g. a data or object property) in question is compulsory, recommended or optional. | owl:Thing |
source country | owl:ObjectProperty | (sourceCountry ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some company transaction ?ENTITY1 has some transaction input (a company) whose place of business is located in the country ?ENTITY2. | owl:Thing |
target country | owl:ObjectProperty | (targetCountry ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some company transaction ?ENTITY1 has some transaction result (a company) whose place of business is located in the country ?ENTITY2. | owl:Thing |
Used | owl:ObjectProperty | Usage is the beginning of utilizing an entity by an activity. Before usage, the activity had not begun to utilize this entity and could not have been affected by the entity. Based on: | owl:Thing |
Associated with | owl:ObjectProperty | An activity association is an assignment of responsibility to an agent for a process, indicating that the agent had a role in the activity. Based on: | Agent |
Generated by | owl:ObjectProperty | Generation is the completion of production of a new entity by a process. This entity did not exist before generation and becomes available for usage after this generation. Based on: | owl:Thing |
creator | owl:AnnotationProperty | -- | owl:Thing |
description | owl:AnnotationProperty | -- | owl:Thing |
issued | owl:AnnotationProperty | -- | owl:Thing |
modified | owl:AnnotationProperty | -- | owl:Thing |
publisher | owl:AnnotationProperty | -- | owl:Thing |
rights | owl:AnnotationProperty | -- | owl:Thing |
title | owl:AnnotationProperty | -- | owl:Thing |
contributor | owl:AnnotationProperty | -- | owl:Thing |
description | owl:AnnotationProperty | -- | owl:Thing |
license | owl:AnnotationProperty | -- | owl:Thing |
term_status | owl:AnnotationProperty | -- | owl:Thing |
license | owl:AnnotationProperty | -- | owl:Thing |
entityPosition | owl:AnnotationProperty | -- | owl:Thing |
entityPositionX | owl:AnnotationProperty | -- | owl:Thing |
entityPositionY | owl:AnnotationProperty | -- | owl:Thing |
wasAttributedTo | owl:AnnotationProperty | -- | owl:Thing |
type | owl:AnnotationProperty | -- | owl:Thing |
preferredNamespacePrefix | owl:AnnotationProperty | -- | owl:Thing |
preferredNamespaceUri | owl:AnnotationProperty | -- | owl:Thing |
@prefix cbcm: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
cbcm:RecipientCompany a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Recipient company"@en ;
rdfs:comment "A company being divided transfers part of its assets and liabilities to one or more newly formed companies, which are the recipient companies in a (cross-border) division."@en ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy cbcm: ;
rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty cbcm:isTransactionResultOf ;
owl:someValuesFrom cbcm:CompanyDivision ],
cbcm:Company .