Improve code security

Vincent Emonet

Data Science engineer at IDS

Securing softwares is a complex task, especially for research softwares.

But some easy actions can be taken to quickly improve your code security.

Update dependencies#

Easy to enable

You can easily enable this feature in your GitHub repository Security tab.

GitHub proposes a tool, the Dependabot, to spot and warn you about deprecated dependencies that needs to be upgraded to fix known vulnerabilities.

Dependabot example

Check the DSRI documentation GitHub Dependabot alerts.

Update dependencies automatically

You can enable Dependabot to automatically update problematic dependencies

See this DSRI documentation automatic pull request.

Integrates with git

Dependabot warning will be displayed when doing git push:

remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (4/4), completed with 4 local objects.
remote: GitHub found 2 vulnerabilities on MaastrichtU-IDS/dsri-documentation's default branch (1 moderate, 1 low). To find out more, visit:

CodeQL analysis#

Easy to enable

You can easily enable this feature in your GitHub repository Security tab. This will create a GitHub Actions workflow that will run the CodeQL analysis.

Tool from GitHub to spot dangerous coding practices, e.g. hardcoded credentials, known JavaScript vulnerability.

Runs in a GitHub Actions workflow.

CodeQL analysis example

Check the OpenPredict API CodeQL Analysis workflow

Test coverage and additional analysis#

Enable for larger project

Setting this up requires a bit more time, it is recommended for larger projects where you define tests.

SonarCloud is quite nice for test coverage, and various relevant reports on your code quality (spot security issues, code blocks that could be improved)

SonarCloud report example

Check the OpenPredict API SonarCloud report

Container scan#


It can be interesting to use it for project with an emphasis on security.

  1. Free Open Source tool

Too many irrelevant issues with some Docker container analysis tools like Anchore Container scan.

Anchore container scan example

Check the OpenPredict API Anchore docker scan workflow.

  1. Commercial tool

Better quality Docker image analysis with Snyk, but require to pay for extensive automated usage.


Docker enable to do a limited number of Snyk vulnerability scan.

See the Docker and Snyk documentation for more details

Improve password security#

A few small steps can also be taken to improve your password security:

  • Use a secure password manager, such as BitWarden, to store your passwords.
  • Use 2 factor authentication with a secure app, such as Authy or the Google Authenticator, when the website allows it. For example, on BitWarden and GitHub
  • To login to GitHub to push code, we recommend to: