VisualStudio Code extensions

Vincent Emonet

Data Science engineer at IDS

A list of useful VisualStudio Code extensions for Data Science, web development and containers orchestration:

  • Markdown editing
  • Python
  • React
  • Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift
  • Better color palette

For everyone#

Open in External App#

From YuTengjing

Open file with external application in VS Code.

For markdown editing

Particularly useful to open markdown files with Typora from VS Code, and make documenting a pleasure with direct rendering like you were using Word, but faster and prettier.

Stardog RDF grammars#

From Stardog Union

Syntax highlighting for SPARQL, Turtle, Stardog Rules Syntax, and other RDF languages.


Autocomplete and validation for RDF related files, such as .ttl, .nt, .rdf, .rq, etc.


From Red Hat

YAML Language Support by Red Hat, with built-in Kubernetes syntax support.


Autocomplete and validation for .yml or .yaml files.

Indent rainbow#

From oderwat

Makes indentation easier to read by attributing a different color to each indent block.

Better solarized#

From ginfuru

A Better Solarized theme for VS Code, includes light and dark versions

Better colors

Solarized is a popular color scheme for code editors and terminal.

For container orchestration#


From Microsoft

Makes it easy to create, manage, and debug containerized applications.


Autocomplete and validation for Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml

Add a Docker tab in VS Code, to manage docker locally.

OpenShift Extension Pack#

From Red Hat

The ultimate collection of extensions for working with OpenShift resources in VS Code.

OpenShift Connector#

From Red Hat

Interacting with Red Hat OpenShift clusters and providing a streamlined developer experience using VS Code.


Add a OpenShift tab in VS Code, which access OpenShift clusters your are logged in using oc login

For Data Science dev#


From Microsoft

Linting, Debugging (multi-threaded, remote), Intellisense, Jupyter Notebooks, code formatting, refactoring, unit tests, snippets, and more.

A must have

A must have for Python development in VS Code.


From Microsoft

A performant, feature-rich language server for Python in VS Code.


Autocomplete and validation of .py Python file in VS Code.


From Microsoft

Jupyter notebook support, interactive programming and computing that supports Intellisense, debugging and more directly in VS Code.


Open and run Jupyter notebooks .ipynb files directly in VS Code.

For web dev#

TypeScript support

TypeScript support, with autocomplete and validation, is built in VS Code.

Import cost#

From Wix

Display import/require package size directly in the .ts or .js file editor.

A must have

Greatly helps you in understanding the real cost of each import, and build much lighter and faster web applications.

React Native Tools#

From Microsoft

Debugging and integrated commands for React Native.


Autocomplete and validation for React in VS Code.


From GraphQL Foundation

GraphQL extension for VS Code adds syntax highlighting, validation, and language features like go to definition, hover information and autocompletion for graphql projects. This extension also works with queries annotated with gql tag.


Autocomplete and validation of .gql files.

For Windows users#

Remote - WSL#

From Microsoft

Open any folder in the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and take advantage of Visual Studio Code's full feature set.