Create a web app

Vincent Emonet

Data Science engineer at IDS

This web page will help you quickly create a ReactJS web application using TypeScript in a Jamstack fashion in a few minutes.

  • Bootstrap a React TypeScript application
  • Recommended libraries for the web UI
  • Integrate SOLID for user authentication and user data
  • Deploy for free on GitHub Pages

Create your website#

Requirements: npm and yarn installed

Checkout the Expo documentation for the complete up-to-date documentation.

  1. Install the command line packages in your terminal:
yarn global add expo-cli create-react-native-app
  1. Create your project from the default expo init TypeScript template:
expo init -t expo-template-blank-typescript

You can also create your project using one of the available create-react-native-app template:

create-react-native-app my-project
  1. Once your projects has been generated, go in its folder:
cd my-project
  1. Start the application on http://localhost:19006
yarn web
Start editing

You can now make changes to App.tsx to develop your application!

Improve your website#

Recommended UI libraries#

Various libraries are available to design your UI, if you don't know which one to pick we recommend the following:

Web app in browser

Material UI for web applications:

Why we use Material UI:

  • Popular open source library, supported by a company (which sell a deluxe version of the lib, with support for multi sort in datatables for example)
  • The Material Design style is familiar to a lot of users (promoted by Google)
  • Optimized to design web app running on desktop browser, but also automatically rendering well on mobile size
  • I usually can find components to easily implement the UI features I want
Mobile app (native Android and iOS)

Add a CSS file#

It can be useful to define global CSS styles:

  1. Create a App.css file. Here to import a font and define default body text alignment to the center:

    @import url("");
    body {
    text-align: center;
  2. Import the CSS file in App.tsx:

    import './App.css';

Add multiple pages#

Add a React Router to be able to have more than one page.

Server-side rendering

Next.js is a framework to easily build complete React applications that are rendered on the server (not client), it includes:

  • A routing system
  • Built-in CSS and Sass support
  • API routes to build API endpoints with Serverless Functions

Build a SOLID app#

Build a SOLID app with React using SOLID React Components.


Add SOLID login#

  1. Add SOLID for React npm package to your project:
yarn add @solid/react
yarn add @types/solid__react --dev
  1. Add the login/logout button to your navigation bar:
import { AuthButton } from '@solid/react';
<AuthButton popup=""/>

Use SOLID user data#

Show the user name if logged in with SOLID:

import { LoggedIn, LoggedOut, Value } from '@solid/react';
Welcome <Value src=""/>!
Please login with SOLID

Deploy your website#

We recommend to deploy for free on GitHub Pages. If your application need to run NodeJS on the server then contact us to deploy on IDS servers.

On GitHub Pages#

Free website hosting

We recommend you to deploy your React applications as a static websites for free on GitHub Pages.

Use a custom URL

You can also use a custom URL with GitHub Pages if you don't want to use the default URL. This can be easily defined in your GitHub repository settings.

  1. Install gh-pages:
yarn add gh-pages --dev
  1. Add GitHub Pages scripts to deploy to GitHub Pages in package.json and provide the URL of the website on GitHub Page in homepage:
"scripts": {
"build": "expo build:web",
"predeploy": "npm run build",
"deploy": "gh-pages -d web-build"
"homepage": "",
  1. Make sure the base path is properly set in your application if the GitHub Page is deployed on a specific path (e.g.
<Router basename="/my-github-repository/">
Link within the app

Then use <Link to="/"> to link within the app (instead of <a href>).

  1. Deploy to GitHub Pages from your terminal:
yarn deploy
Automate deployment

You can automate this process at each push to the main branch by creating the file .github/workflows/deploy-github.yml

name: Deploy to GitHub Pages
branches: [ main ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/setup-node@v1
node-version: 12
- name: Install dependencies and build
run: |
git config --global ""
git config --global "FirstName LastName"
yarn install
yarn build
- name: Deploy on GitHub
uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@3.7.1
BRANCH: gh-pages
FOLDER: web-build
CLEAN: true

On IDS servers with Docker#

  1. Define the scripts to build and serve for production in package.json
"scripts": {
"build": "expo build:web",
"serve": "serve -s web-build"
  1. Define a simple Dockerfile to install your application, and serve it in production mode:
FROM node:12-alpine
WORKDIR /webapp
# Only install NPM packages if package.json or yarn.lock change
COPY package.json package.json
COPY yarn.lock yarn.lock
RUN yarn install
COPY . .
# Build in /web-build folder
RUN yarn build
ENTRYPOINT [ "yarn", "serve" ]
  1. Copy your .gitignore and rename the copy to .dockerignore to avoid conflict with Docker and your local environment:
cp .gitignore .dockerignore
  1. Once the Docker configuration has be done, you can build it:
docker build -t my-project .
  1. And try starting the application on http://localhost:5000
docker run -it --rm -p 5000:5000 my-project
Deploy publicly

When this has be done, contact us if you want to deploy your website publicly on IDS servers.

On AWS Amplify#

AWS Amplify is a set of products and tools that enables mobile and front-end web developers to build and deploy secure, scalable full stack applications, powered by Amazon. With Amplify, you can configure app backends in minutes, connect them to your app in just a few lines of code, and deploy static web apps in three steps

Always free

Always free:

  • Amazon DynamoDB 25 GB of storage
  • AWS Lambda 1 Million free requests per month
Temporarily free

Free for the 12 first months:

  • Hosting: 5 GB stored and 15 GB served per month
  • 1000 build minutes per month
  • AWS AppSync 250 k query or data modifications per month (Develop, secure and run GraphQL APIs at any scale)

See the pricing page for more details on prices outside of the free tier.

Diagram of tools and frameworks used#

Here is a simple diagram to better understand the stack of tools and framework used:

Stack diagram

The Semantic Web stack using React and TypeScript for static web app, and additional services:

Semantic web stack diagram