Variable leaf node





A variable in a cohort, represented by a column in the cohort tabular data file


Instances of Variable can have the following properties:

From class Variable
Value count owl:DatatypeProperty The number of rows with values for this variable integer
Definition owl:DatatypeProperty A reference to the standard used to define this variable string
Formula owl:DatatypeProperty The formula used to calculate this variable string
Variable index owl:DatatypeProperty The index of the variable in the cohort tabular data file integer
Maximum value owl:DatatypeProperty The maximum value for this variable decimal
Minimum value owl:DatatypeProperty The minimum value for this variable decimal
n/a count owl:DatatypeProperty The number of n/a rows for this variable integer
OMOP domain owl:DatatypeProperty The OMOP domain for this variable, such as Measurement, Condition, etc string
Units owl:DatatypeProperty The units of the variable (e.g. kg, mmHg, etc) string
Variable type owl:DatatypeProperty The data type of the variable: STR, INT, FLOAT, DATETIME string
Visits owl:DatatypeProperty Details about the study visit for this variable (e.g. M1, M2, M6) string
Has categories owl:ObjectProperty Categories for this variable, if it is a categorical variable Variable category
Concept ID owl:ObjectProperty The concept ID for this variable, as provided in the original cohort metadata file Thing


@prefix icare: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .

icare:Variable a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Variable"@en ;
    rdfs:comment "A variable in a cohort, represented by a column in the cohort tabular data file"@en ;
    rdfs:isDefinedBy icare: ;
    owl:disjointWith icare:Cohort,
        icare:VariableCategory .