Cohort leaf node





A study cohort, represented by a tabular data file (usually rows are for patients infos and measurements)


Instances of Cohort can have the following properties:

From class Cohort
Cohort type owl:DatatypeProperty The type of cohort string
Contact email owl:DatatypeProperty Email of the contact for this cohort string
Institution owl:DatatypeProperty The institution that conducted the study string
Data preview enabled owl:DatatypeProperty If data preview (airlock) is enabled for this cohort boolean
Study duration owl:DatatypeProperty The duration of the study string
Study objective owl:DatatypeProperty Description of the study objective string
Ongoing study owl:DatatypeProperty Is the study ongoing? Either yes or no string
Number of study participants owl:DatatypeProperty The number of participants in the study integer
Study population owl:DatatypeProperty Description of the population studied string
Study type owl:DatatypeProperty The type of study string
Has variable owl:ObjectProperty The variables that are included in this cohort Variable


@prefix dcat: <> .
@prefix icare: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .

icare:Cohort a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Cohort"@en ;
    rdfs:comment "A study cohort, represented by a tabular data file (usually rows are for patients infos and measurements)"@en ;
    rdfs:isDefinedBy icare: ;
    owl:disjointWith icare:Variable,
        icare:VariableCategory ;
    owl:sameAs dcat:Resource .