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Deploying the API

Define the API

You will need to instantiate a TRAPI class to deploy a Translator Reasoner API serving a list of prediction functions that have been decorated with @trapi_predict. For example:

import logging

from openpredict.config import settings
from openpredict import TRAPI
from my_model.predict import get_predictions

log_level = logging.ERROR
if settings.DEV_MODE:
    log_level = logging.INFO

predict_endpoints = [ get_predictions ]

openapi_info = {
    "contact": {
        "name": "Firstname Lastname",
        "email": "",
        # "x-id": "",
        "x-role": "responsible developer",
    "license": {
        "name": "MIT license",
        "url": "",
    "termsOfService": '',

    "x-translator": {
        "component": 'KP',
        # TODO: update the Translator team to yours
        "team": [ "Clinical Data Provider" ],
        "biolink-version": settings.BIOLINK_VERSION,
        "infores": 'infores:openpredict',
        "externalDocs": {
            "description": "The values for component and team are restricted according to this external JSON schema. See schema and examples at url",
            "url": "",
    "x-trapi": {
        "version": settings.TRAPI_VERSION,
        "asyncquery": False,
        "operations": [
        "externalDocs": {
            "description": "The values for version are restricted according to the regex in this external JSON schema. See schema and examples at url",
            "url": "",

servers = []
if settings.VIRTUAL_HOST:
    servers = [
            "url": f"https://{settings.VIRTUAL_HOST}",
            "description": 'TRAPI ITRB Production Server',
            "x-maturity": 'production'

app = TRAPI(
    title='My model TRAPI',
    description="""Machine learning models to produce predictions that can be integrated to Translator Reasoner APIs.
\n\nService supported by the [NCATS Translator project](""",

Deploy the API

If you used the template to generate your project you can deploy the API with the api script defined in the pyproject.toml (refere to your generated project README for more details):

hatch run api

Otherwise you can use uvicorn or gunicorn:

uvicorn trapi.main:app --port 8808 --reload