Saving a model

To make your models and experiment more reusable we recommend to properly save the trained model.

A helper function is provided to easily save a generated model, its metadata, and the data used to generate it. It uses tools such as dvc and mlem to store large model outside of the git repository. Here is an example:

from trapi_predict_kit import save

hyper_params = {
    'penalty': 'l2',
    'dual': False,
    'tol': 0.0001,
    'C': 1.0,
    'random_state': 100

saved_model = save(

If you generated a project from the template you will find it in the script.

⚠️ Once you have trained your model don’t forget to add it, usually in the models/ folder, and push it with dvc (along with all the data required to train the model in the data/ folder)