Development workflow
This page explains the usual development workflow used in FAIR tests repositories. It is recommended to also refer to the FAIR test repository README, when working in a specific repository.
📥️ Install dependencies
Create and activate a virtual environment if necessary:
Install dependencies from the source code:
🐍 Deploy the API in development
Start the API locally on http://localhost:8000
The API will automatically reload on changes to the code 🔄
✔️ Test the Metrics Tests API
The tests are run automatically by a GitHub Action workflow at every push to the main
The subject URLs to test and their expected score are retrieved from the test_test
attribute for each metric test.
Add tests in the ./tests/
file. You just need to add new entries to the JSON file to test different subjects results against the metrics tests:
Run the tests locally (from the root folder):
Run the tests only for a specific metric test:
🐳 Deploy with docker
To deploy the API in development, with automatic reload when the code changes run this command:
Access the OpenAPI Swagger UI on http://localhost:8000
If you make changes to the dependencies in pyproject.toml
you will need to rebuild the image to install the new requirements:
Run the tests:
Run in production (change the docker-compose.yml to your deployment solution):